Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Nike Sweatshops are some of the Biggest Offenders

The widespread use of sweatshops across the world has been becoming more and more apparent in recent years, when large corporations have been exposed for their use of sweatshops. One of these corporations is Nike, who use many foreign workers to create their shoes. The workers overseas are forced to work to support their families while Nike makes millions of dollars profiting off of the sales of those very same shoes. Read on to find out about some of the atrocities that Nike is responsible for, and hopefully you will rethink your choices the next time you go to buy a pair of shoes.

The Nike sweatshops used to have much worse conditions before a huge scandal blew it open and people began to realize what was going on. Since then, many have reformed and begun to allow for nicer working conditions. However, the sweatshops still exist and they still pay the workers next to nothing. The workers take these jobs because they don’t have any other choices in the local economy. The entire economy of the local region is deflated. People have less money, so people can spend less money. It affects not only the sweatshop workers, but everyone in the region who does any buying and selling.

The working conditions in the Nike sweatshops were one of the worst parts of the whole deal. The workers were often subjected to working in very small areas with poor lighting. Much of the work involves working with tools to create the shoes, and in these poor conditions it was very common for injuries to occur, resulting in punctured hands or crushed digits. The work days were also exhaustive, and for the average worker to support her family, she would have to work for more than 15 hours a day.

The cried of protestors did not fall on deaf ears. The corporations that are the most guilty of exploiting sweatshop workers have slowly but surely been improving things. Wages have been increased (although infinitesimally) and the conditions have been raised to rival factories in the USA. But the fact still remains that in many places people are being exploited for labor. This is not something that we as humans should allow.

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